Nathan Branson

Taylor Mali's Reasons Why It Has Become Uncool to Sound like you Know What You are Talking About

The Consequences of Repetitively using "Like" and "Ya Know What I'm Saying"

"It has somehow become uncool to sound like you know what you are talking about" is the opening line to a short Youtube video (with nearly 2 million hits). I've shown this Taylor Mali speech to over 20 sections of English composition over the last 3 years. That is, I show it to all my composition classes. This semester I showed . . .

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December 31, 2015

Three Books To Give as Christmas Presents

Here are three books that have given me more faith as a Christian and all have an inspiring message. If you are looking for a book to read for the New Year or for a Christmas present for a family member, I highly recommend any of these. You should be able to find these three books at your local Barnes and Noble. Merry Christmas.

Book . . .

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December 16, 2015

Two Questions: Getting My Students to Read in 2015 and Why I Prefer Persuasion

Below are two questions that I'd like some input on. If you have any answers to either these questions, please type a response in the comment section. Or feel free to email me at with your thoughts. I am looking to start a conversation about these things, whether online, via email or in person.

. . .

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December 03, 2015

David Foster Wallace Biopic "The End of the Tour" Captures a Long-Winded Road Trip Conversation on Film

A Movie About One of America's Great Contemporary Writers

I've waited 7 months to see the movie "The End of the Tour." The movie came out on DVD two weeks ago and I immediately bought it, got it in the mail and watched it on November 12th. The trailer for the movie came out in May of 2015 then came out in "select" theatres on July 31st. When it came out in "select" . . .

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November 20, 2015

Why It is Easy to Be Impersonal to the Grocery Store Cashier

On Thinking of Yourself as a Servant

My interactions with the cashier at the grocery store can be awkward. When I use the word awkward I mean "socially uncomfortable and possibly confusing." When I walk up to the cashier's desk at the grocery store, I am normally excited about whatever food I am buying before hearing a perfunctory greeting by the cashier. At this . . .

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November 05, 2015

Prayer Helps Us Overcome Anxieties and Random Phobias

I have a phobia of standing in front of people for long periods of time. It’s a different version of the public speaking phobia. In fact, I am less nervous about speaking in front of people than I am about standing there with no particular task to do. So when my friend John Creger asked me to be a groomsman in his wedding, this fear was the . . .

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October 16, 2015

What We can Learn about Storytelling from 90's sit-com "Full House"

Transitioning From a "Story-Consumer" to a "Story Teller"

Our culture is desperate for storytellers. On a weekly basis we watch movies, television and any number of streaming media because we are in search of a story. I watch at least 2 movies a week. If I let myself, I could make a habit of watching something every night. However, I do not believe we were only created to listen or watch other . . .

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October 02, 2015


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