Why I Love One Harbor Church: Hospitality from Monday to Saturday
I moved to Morehead City 5 years ago to take a job as a community college English teacher. My move here was a career move. If I wanted to teach English at a community college I had to make the move, because Carteret County is where I got the best job offer. I'd always lived by the motto “I will always live where my closest friends and/or . . .
Reading "Every Moment Holy": A Step Towards Seeing Monday to Friday as Sacred
Liturgy for Busy 21st Century Americans
When the topic of “reading liturgy” comes up among Christians it is often associated with corporate worship (“Does that church read liturgy during the service?”) rather than personal reading (“Do you read liturgy?”) I haven’t attended a church that regularly reads liturgy since I was 15 years old. I spend my early years in a Methodist church . . .
Posted in: anxietybecoming christ-likeburnt-out christianshead vs. heartjesuspeace of mindprayerquestions about my faith
5 Digital Lectures by Christian Thinkers
Background Noise for the Commute or House-Work
Wrestling with questions in my faith has consistently led to growth. I have lots of questions about Christianity and how it works. Typically these questions float around subconsciously in my mind and I may randomly stumble across an answer in a book, sermon or lecture. Sometimes I write the question down and seek it out intentionally. However . . .
Posted in: christianintellect vs. emotionsjames ka smithjesuskaren swallow priorn.t. wrightpersuasionstraw man fallacytim keller
The Materialistic Pathway Prevents Some from Believing the American Dream
How do we imagine the American Dream?
Every semester I ask my students to define the American Dream. In classroom discussion I ask them to name multiple characteristics of the American Dream. Next I push them to come to a consensus about 3-4 core characteristics that define this concept. Some of the most common characteristics named are social mobility, financial security, . . .