What I Learned Working at Branson’s Auto Service
Every Business has a Culture, I Hate to See This Culture Die
My parents decided to close their auto repair and tire business last week, December 21st 2018. My great grandfather JO Branson opened Branson’s Auto Service in 1959. He then handed it down to my grandfather Ed Branson, who then handed down to my father Elliott Branson. My parents have decided to close the business and then put it up for sale . . .
Posted in: business culturecivic lifemanual labormemoryteaching yourselfthe american dreamwalt whitmanwork ethic
The Materialistic Pathway Prevents Some from Believing the American Dream
How do we imagine the American Dream?
Every semester I ask my students to define the American Dream. In classroom discussion I ask them to name multiple characteristics of the American Dream. Next I push them to come to a consensus about 3-4 core characteristics that define this concept. Some of the most common characteristics named are social mobility, financial security, . . .