The Three Things I Gained from Majoring in Literature
I Made the Right Choice Switching from Biology to Literature
I transferred to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in 2003 with the intention of becoming a physical therapist. After spending my freshman year at the community college, I decided the best path to getting into graduate school to be a physical therapist would be entering my sophomore year as a biology major.
During my . . .
Posted in: being humanconversationliterature
The Excuses That Keep Us From Telling Our Stories
A Reflection on Why You Should Speak Up at the Dinner Table
“Telling stories is not about one-upping. It is about swapping stories. To win the game you tell the right stories to get the better stories out of the other person.” ---my friend Bobby Lane
I have spent the last 2 months teaching freshman English composition classes online because of the coronavirus. The transition from teaching . . .
Making the Transition from “Road Tripping" to “Vacationing in Denver”
Four Beliefs That Shape a Restful Vacation
On June 13th, 2018 at 3am, I sat on a plane completely satisfied. I felt thankful as I flew over the mid-west states, back to North Carolina. Sitting behind me were two children sleeping, traveling alone, leaned up against one another. The two women next to me had each found a way to curl up and sleep in their seat for the 3 and hour flight. . . .
David Foster Wallace Biopic "The End of the Tour" Captures a Long-Winded Road Trip Conversation on Film
A Movie About One of America's Great Contemporary Writers
I've waited 7 months to see the movie "The End of the Tour." The movie came out on DVD two weeks ago and I immediately bought it, got it in the mail and watched it on November 12th. The trailer for the movie came out in May of 2015 then came out in "select" theatres on July 31st. When it came out in "select" . . .
Why It is Easy to Be Impersonal to the Grocery Store Cashier
On Thinking of Yourself as a Servant
My interactions with the cashier at the grocery store can be awkward. When I use the word awkward I mean "socially uncomfortable and possibly confusing." When I walk up to the cashier's desk at the grocery store, I am normally excited about whatever food I am buying before hearing a perfunctory greeting by the cashier. At this . . .