Can a 50 Hour Work-Week and a Weekend Hiking Adventure Co-Exist?
Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods” Inspired a Weekend Trip to Linville Gorge
I like reading the stories of amatuers trying achieve their dreams. Bill Bryson, a writer from New England, decided one day that he wanted hike the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. After a day hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire Bryson thought “Why not?” This was the beginning of what would become his best-selling book “A Walk in the . . .
Posted in: executionhikingplanningself-controltravel
Making the Transition from “Road Tripping" to “Vacationing in Denver”
Four Beliefs That Shape a Restful Vacation
On June 13th, 2018 at 3am, I sat on a plane completely satisfied. I felt thankful as I flew over the mid-west states, back to North Carolina. Sitting behind me were two children sleeping, traveling alone, leaned up against one another. The two women next to me had each found a way to curl up and sleep in their seat for the 3 and hour flight. . . .
Four Steps to Leading a Backpacking Trip
On my 29th birthday, I wrote down in a notebook that I would learn to be a competent backpacker before my 30th birthday. For years I'd been gathering people to explore state parks on day hikes. Yet I was not confident enough to lead a pack of friends into the woods overnight. After about 2 12 years of talking to experienced backpackers, . . .
Why Personal Stories Help Develop Relationships
I consider myself a mediocre storyteller. I'm not the kind of person who regularly takes the stage at a family gathering or a party to unravel a story. Yet on a family vacation recently, I had the chance to tell the entire story of the one time in my life where I truly thought I was going to die. I sat in a beautiful mountain house in . . .
Posted in: memorystorytellingtravel