Three Fears I Faced While Leading at My Church
On Uncovering My Weaknesses as a Leader (and Finding Methods to Grow Stronger)
Fears about my life naturally arise at 5am on a Thursday morning that are near impossible to get rid of. Fears don’t keep me awake at night, they prevent me from going back to sleep------especially when it comes to an upcoming deadline.
This experience is more common when I am responsible for an event, a project or something where I . . .
The Boring, Mundane Parts of Adulthood and Identity in Christ
“No individual, by the very state of existence, can avoid life as a form of servitude; it only remains for us to decide, deny, or remain oblivious to, whom or what we serve.” ----Carolyn Weber
What do you do with the drudgery of adulthood? That moment on a Monday at 4pm and you realize that you will likely have to work Saturday in . . .
Three Christian Books to Read in 2021 That Are Heavy on the “How”
Yesterday I saw a church sign in the Appalachian Mountains that said “Choose Jesus in 2021.”
I would agree. It is best to decide to follow Jesus whether in the new year whether you are someone who has been a Christian for 20 years, 2 months or someone who does not believe God exists. To follow Christ is a daily decision to prioritize your . . .
4 Reasons to Visit a L'Abri House: Summer Camp For Burnt-Out Christians
Are you in your twenties or thirties on the verge of a quarter-life crisis? Are you tired of touristy vacation experiences and looking for something different? If you are a Christian (or interested in Christianity)-----a place called L'Abri might be for you.
I want to give you 4 reasons why you should consider visiting a L’Abri . . .
Reading "Every Moment Holy": A Step Towards Seeing Monday to Friday as Sacred
Liturgy for Busy 21st Century Americans
When the topic of “reading liturgy” comes up among Christians it is often associated with corporate worship (“Does that church read liturgy during the service?”) rather than personal reading (“Do you read liturgy?”) I haven’t attended a church that regularly reads liturgy since I was 15 years old. I spend my early years in a Methodist church . . .
Posted in: anxietybecoming christ-likeburnt-out christianshead vs. heartjesuspeace of mindprayerquestions about my faith
Two Questions About Pride: The Difference Between “Good pride”/ “Bad Pride” and How to Avoid Becoming an Arrogant/Prideful Person
Defining and Preventing Pride
1. What is the difference between "good pride" and "bad pride?"
Every semester I put a list of the seven deadly sins on a PowerPoint slide before my freshman English class. I ask my class to write a 300 word response to this question: "of the seven deadly sins, which threatens America the most in 2016?" . . .
The North Carolina State Motto: One Reason I Became a Christian
During my senior year of high school that I achieved the goal of becoming semi-popular. High school is more like a hierarchy than a democracy. My senior year I had tasted what it felt like to be near the top of that hierarchy. Some of it conscious and some of it unconscious, I had struggled for three years of high school to be admired by . . .