What I Learned Working at Branson’s Auto Service
Every Business has a Culture, I Hate to See This Culture Die
My parents decided to close their auto repair and tire business last week, December 21st 2018. My great grandfather JO Branson opened Branson’s Auto Service in 1959. He then handed it down to my grandfather Ed Branson, who then handed down to my father Elliott Branson. My parents have decided to close the business and then put it up for sale . . .
Posted in: business culturecivic lifemanual labormemoryteaching yourselfthe american dreamwalt whitmanwork ethic
Why It is Easy to Be Impersonal to the Grocery Store Cashier
On Thinking of Yourself as a Servant
My interactions with the cashier at the grocery store can be awkward. When I use the word awkward I mean "socially uncomfortable and possibly confusing." When I walk up to the cashier's desk at the grocery store, I am normally excited about whatever food I am buying before hearing a perfunctory greeting by the cashier. At this . . .