5 Digital Lectures by Christian Thinkers
Background Noise for the Commute or House-Work
Wrestling with questions in my faith has consistently led to growth. I have lots of questions about Christianity and how it works. Typically these questions float around subconsciously in my mind and I may randomly stumble across an answer in a book, sermon or lecture. Sometimes I write the question down and seek it out intentionally. However . . .
Posted in: christianintellect vs. emotionsjames ka smithjesuskaren swallow priorn.t. wrightpersuasionstraw man fallacytim keller
5 Digital Sermons That Have Shaped My Life
What shapes you as a person? What shapes your moods, character, thought processes, personality?
Friends, coworkers and family play a large role in shaping who a person becomes. But besides people, there are a multiple influences that shape who you are, how you think and how you respond to the world.
Sermons I've heard . . .
5 Quotes for August 14th
Short and Long
"The most fascinating people in the world are the people who are most fascinated by the world, and those same people are the ones who change the world. No one who’s ever influenced this planet has ever done so without being remarkably curious."
- Josh James Riebock
"What I have learned from about twenty-years of . . .
Posted in: quotestim keller