What I Want Every One of My Students To Know on their First Day of Class
Every April I spend about 50 hours per week grading essays. That doesn't include other duties at my job. During those hours, I begin to take note of the good and bad habits of my students. As I grade I sit and ponder the personalities of my students: students who made an A in my class, students who do the bare minimum to pass, students . . .
10 Wendell Berry Quotes
Do Small-town Americans Know What This Man is Saying?
Anyone who lives in a small town should read at least one Wendell Berry essay. He’s got something to say about the “health” (a word he uses a lot) of small-town and rural existence. What is its future? Will it continue to exist? What is lost when both urban spaces and small towns become suburbs?
However, it seems to me that . . .
Posted in: quotesruralurbanwendell berry
Advice from A Popular Writer’s Handbook
Highlights from Stunk and White’s “Elements of Style”
Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” is perhaps the most commonly read handbook for anyone looking to improve as a writer. The first edition of “Elements of Style” was published in 1959 and the book has been read since then to help guide young writers and remind experienced writers of the basics. While the book does hit on some common . . .
Posted in: eng 101quoteswriting tips
Three Books To Give as Christmas Presents
Here are three books that have given me more faith as a Christian and all have an inspiring message. If you are looking for a book to read for the New Year or for a Christmas present for a family member, I highly recommend any of these. You should be able to find these three books at your local Barnes and Noble. Merry Christmas.
Book . . .
5 Quotes for September 18th
David Foster Wallace
I saw David Foster Wallace's famous "This is Water" speech about 3-4 years ago. Ever since I saw that speech I've been watching and listening to the interviews he gave while he was alive. He's is an excellent conversationalist and critical thinker. And when he talks, he does not sound jaded, he sounds sincere. I've . . .
5 Quotes for August 28th
Short and Long Quotes on Writing
"Learning how to organize a long article is just as important as learning how to write a clear and pleasing sentence. All your clear and pleasing sentences will fall apart if you don't keep remembering that writing is linear and sequential, that logic is the glue that holds it together, that tension must be maintained from one . . .
Posted in: quotes
5 Quotes for August 14th
Short and Long
"The most fascinating people in the world are the people who are most fascinated by the world, and those same people are the ones who change the world. No one who’s ever influenced this planet has ever done so without being remarkably curious."
- Josh James Riebock
"What I have learned from about twenty-years of . . .
Posted in: quotestim keller