How To Stop Wasting Your Time on Youtube: Using a Blank Piece of Paper to Prioritize What You Want
What if I told you that Youtube can be a threat to personal agency? Personal agency is the ability to make a choice free from strong outside influences. It is the idea of my choices being aimed at benefiting my long-term good rather than distracted from my goals.
My brain is not always rational whenever I sit down to watch Youtube . . .
The Atlantic Monthly Consistently Delivers a Needed Skepticism of Technology
Long-Form Journalism Is Alive And Well
As Americans in the 21st century, we must question what technology is doing to our personal, social and intellectual lives. What is it doing to your identity? What is it doing to your sleeping patterns? What is it doing to your soul? What is it doing to your friendships? Is it effecting our ability to be a happy, free person?
Such . . .