Why Do Students Have to Write So Many Essays in College?
A Few Reasons Why The University System Depends so Heavily on Writing
Students often ask me “Why do we have to write so many essays in college?” Or another way to say it is “Why do I have to take this writing class if I am going to be a nurse? Writing does not relate to nursing whatsoever.”
I want to go over a few reasons why students have to write essays, specifically research essays, in their . . .
Posted in: community collegewriting tips
Training Students to be Creative Participants Rather than Detached Observers (Part 2)
An Argument for the Creative Writing Workshop
In my previous blog entry, I argued that the mood of literary studies today produces students who have a sharp critical eye, yet unintentionally can produce students who have an unhealthy cynicism. Literature teachers must train their students to be critical readers. Living in America in the 21st century means we are immersed in a consumer . . .
Posted in: critical thinkingstorytellingwriting tips
Writing Poetry is About Being Aware of When to Write
And Less About Knowing How to Write Something That Rhymes
I started regularly writing poems in 2009 after two friends asked me to help them write song lyrics. My friends Zack, Marcus and I were sitting around a campfire late one night in the mountains. Zach was holding a guitar and Marcus was playing a banjo. Zack said “Nate, you were an English major. Do you think you teach us how to write song . . .
Advice from A Popular Writer’s Handbook
Highlights from Stunk and White’s “Elements of Style”
Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” is perhaps the most commonly read handbook for anyone looking to improve as a writer. The first edition of “Elements of Style” was published in 1959 and the book has been read since then to help guide young writers and remind experienced writers of the basics. While the book does hit on some common . . .
Posted in: eng 101quoteswriting tips
Three Methods for Brainstorming: Finding Creative Ideas to Write About
Finding a Place to Think, "Word Vomit" and Collaborative Brainstorming
If you are attempting to write something meaningful and cohesive you must have some method for accomplishing your writing goal. When we decide to write, we must have methods for A) getting an idea to write about or B) developing the idea we've chosen so that it is clear.
How do you write well in a loud, noisy, distracted world? . . .
Taylor Mali's Reasons Why It Has Become Uncool to Sound like you Know What You are Talking About
The Consequences of Repetitively using "Like" and "Ya Know What I'm Saying"
"It has somehow become uncool to sound like you know what you are talking about" is the opening line to a short Youtube video (with nearly 2 million hits). I've shown this Taylor Mali speech to over 20 sections of English composition over the last 3 years. That is, I show it to all my composition classes. This semester I showed . . .
Posted in: community collegeeng 101millennialspublic speakingself-controlteaching yourselfwriting tips
What We can Learn about Storytelling from 90's sit-com "Full House"
Transitioning From a "Story-Consumer" to a "Story Teller"
Our culture is desperate for storytellers. On a weekly basis we watch movies, television and any number of streaming media because we are in search of a story. I watch at least 2 movies a week. If I let myself, I could make a habit of watching something every night. However, I do not believe we were only created to listen or watch other . . .