Four Steps to Leading a Backpacking Trip
On my 29th birthday, I wrote down in a notebook that I would learn to be a competent backpacker before my 30th birthday. For years I'd been gathering people to explore state parks on day hikes. Yet I was not confident enough to lead a pack of friends into the woods overnight. After about 2 12 years of talking to experienced backpackers, . . .
David Foster Wallace Biopic "The End of the Tour" Captures a Long-Winded Road Trip Conversation on Film
A Movie About One of America's Great Contemporary Writers
I've waited 7 months to see the movie "The End of the Tour." The movie came out on DVD two weeks ago and I immediately bought it, got it in the mail and watched it on November 12th. The trailer for the movie came out in May of 2015 then came out in "select" theatres on July 31st. When it came out in "select" . . .