How To Stop Wasting Your Time on Youtube: Using a Blank Piece of Paper to Prioritize What You Want
What if I told you that Youtube can be a threat to personal agency? Personal agency is the ability to make a choice free from strong outside influences. It is the idea of my choices being aimed at benefiting my long-term good rather than distracted from my goals.
My brain is not always rational whenever I sit down to watch Youtube . . .
How To Be Productive When Working From Home: My "One Task Per Hour" Habit
How can I get tasks accomplished when my fridge is nearby? Working from home taps into the symptoms of ADHD that I have.
I learned early on as an English teacher that grading essays in the 2nd half of the semester required a lot of focus at my kitchen table. Every Saturday in the months of April, May, October and November required . . .
Can a 50 Hour Work-Week and a Weekend Hiking Adventure Co-Exist?
Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods” Inspired a Weekend Trip to Linville Gorge
I like reading the stories of amatuers trying achieve their dreams. Bill Bryson, a writer from New England, decided one day that he wanted hike the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. After a day hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire Bryson thought “Why not?” This was the beginning of what would become his best-selling book “A Walk in the . . .
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