How to Lead a College-Level Discussion
Seven Steps for Leading a Smoother Classroom Discussion
There is a real difference between leading a college-level classroom discussion and participating in a college classroom discussion.
As a literature major in undergrad, professors were constantly pushing me to form my own point of view about a book and be able to confidently articulate my thoughts in discussion. The typical . . .
The Atlantic Monthly Consistently Delivers a Needed Skepticism of Technology
Long-Form Journalism Is Alive And Well
As Americans in the 21st century, we must question what technology is doing to our personal, social and intellectual lives. What is it doing to your identity? What is it doing to your sleeping patterns? What is it doing to your soul? What is it doing to your friendships? Is it effecting our ability to be a happy, free person?
Such . . .
Creativity is Easy, Execution is Hard
On Executing "Big Ideas" and Leadership
When it comes to leadership, I find that execution of a “big idea” is as important as the creation of the idea in the first place.
My senior year of college at UNCW, I came up with an idea, in which my literature professor helped me to turn into an on-campus panel discussion.
One Saturday afternoon in the spring of 2006, I . . .
Five Memoirs that Guys in their Twenties Should Read
Stories That Help Make Sense of the Big Questions
I work on a regular basis with people between the ages of 17 and 25. As a community college English teacher, I am tasked with helping students write the 5-paragraph essay, find credible sources online and write clearly. I walk into work every day hoping to help students enjoy writing rather than viewing it as a soul-sucking chore. However, . . .
Millennials: Addicted to the iPhone but Wanting to Know How to Live Without It
Are Millennials really in love with technology?
About 3-4 years ago my dad told me that some of guys who worked at his auto shop were so distracted by their IPhones that it was affecting their productivity. The "tire guys," who put new tires on cars and do the oil changes, were the ones he was concerned about. As a high schooler, I was a tire guy every summer, where, like NASCAR . . .
Posted in: david foster wallaceeveryday survivalfighting distractionludditesmillennialspeace of mindself-control
What To Do When You Lose Your Cam Newton-like Confidence in Your Mid-Twenties
What Growth Looks Like in Your Twenties
I graduated from college in May of 2006 from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. On that day back in 2006, with thousands of other college graduates, I was excited to enter the work world with intentions of shaping my own reality and entering the work world.
College fostered in me spiritual, professional, emotional and . . .
The Reasons People Give for Not Attending Their High School Reunion
A Reflection on My High School Reunion
"Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.” - Baz Luhrman
In the winter of 2012, the announcement was made that my 10 year high school reunion for the class of 2002 would be a joint reunion with the class of 2003. The East . . .
Posted in: face to facefriendshipmemorymillennials