Nathan Branson

National Parks: Free Trespassing Zone

A Few Reasons Why We Hesitate to Explore and Participate in Nature

"Self-consciousness, however, does hinder the experience of the present. It is the one instrument that unplugs all the rest."- Annie Dillard

"Man, I lay in bed thinking about this place at night" Bobby said as we ride up to the Upper Nantahala River on a July weekday afternoon. We are both in town for a reunion, . . .

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August 11, 2016

What To Do When You Lose Your Cam Newton-like Confidence in Your Mid-Twenties

What Growth Looks Like in Your Twenties

I graduated from college in May of 2006 from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. On that day back in 2006, with thousands of other college graduates, I was excited to enter the work world with intentions of shaping my own reality and entering the work world.

College fostered in me spiritual, professional, emotional and . . .

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July 29, 2016

Advice from A Popular Writer’s Handbook

Highlights from Stunk and White’s “Elements of Style”

Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” is perhaps the most commonly read handbook for anyone looking to improve as a writer. The first edition of “Elements of Style” was published in 1959 and the book has been read since then to help guide young writers and remind experienced writers of the basics. While the book does hit on some common . . .

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July 17, 2016

5 Digital Sermons That Have Shaped My Life

What shapes you as a person? What shapes your moods, character, thought processes, personality?

Friends, coworkers and family play a large role in shaping who a person becomes. But besides people, there are a multiple influences that shape who you are, how you think and how you respond to the world.

Sermons I've heard . . .

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July 03, 2016

Three Questions About Hipsters: Defining Hipster Culture, the Origins of the Sub-Culture and Why Many People Do Not Like Hipsters

Who and where are they?

The Millennial generation seems to divide themselves between hipsters and non-hipsters. I see hipster culture as having a large influence Millennial culture and values. While many people do not consider themselves a hipster, many commercials targeting Millennials, portray people in the commercials who look like hipsters. I've seen one . . .

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June 24, 2016

Does "getting over" someone who has passed away mean that we erase our memories?

My Brother and I were "Kindred Spirits" When it Came to Music

June 10th will mark 9 years since my brother Daniel and his girlfriend Suzanne passed away in a car accident. I am self-conscious of openly writing about this topic, in fear people will shake their heads thinking "Yea, Nathan just won't let it go," or "Nate is such a melancholy person." If I am a melancholy person, I . . .

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June 09, 2016

Psalm 139, Questions and "Being Known"

It is a human to want to be known. To be known in a way where the people around you understand the different parts of your personality, for some reason, brings peace of mind. To "be known" may not be as necessary as having food or water for survival, but it is certainly a part of staying mentally sane. I talk to my former room-mates . . .

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June 03, 2016


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