Nathan Branson

4 Reasons to Visit a L'Abri House: Summer Camp For Burnt-Out Christians

Are you in your twenties or thirties on the verge of a quarter-life crisis? Are you tired of touristy vacation experiences and looking for something different? If you are a Christian (or interested in Christianity)-----a place called L'Abri might be for you.

I want to give you 4 reasons why you should consider visiting a L’Abri . . .

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January 06, 2020

Reading "Every Moment Holy": A Step Towards Seeing Monday to Friday as Sacred

Liturgy for Busy 21st Century Americans

When the topic of “reading liturgy” comes up among Christians it is often associated with corporate worship (“Does that church read liturgy during the service?”) rather than personal reading (“Do you read liturgy?”) I haven’t attended a church that regularly reads liturgy since I was 15 years old. I spend my early years in a Methodist church . . .

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October 30, 2019

How Facebook Makes Sense of Fragmented Communities for Transient People

Three years ago, I introduced two of my best friends who both work for the city of Charlotte. My friend from UNCW undergrad, Seth Ervin currently leads tech projects for the libraries in Charlotte. Phil Freeman, my room-mate from grad school, helps with city planning projects for the city. Last week Phil texted me to say the two of them got . . .

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August 31, 2019

What Sparks the Daydreams that Happen in Your Head?

Reflecting on My High School Self on the Appalachian Trail

Two weeks ago, my cousin Becca Jones and I hiked four days on the Appalachian Trail in Vermont. Becca planned our four days in the woods as hiking 9 miles, 9 miles, 8 miles and then 12.5 miles respectively for the four days. She was in charge of trail logistics in how long we would hike, where we would camp and the pace we were hiking at. . . .

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August 03, 2019

Why Keeping Your Audience in Mind Matters

On the Small Flaw that Can Bore, Confuse and Lose Your Reader (And How to Avoid It)

I am a part of a writing group that meets twice a month. When we meet, each member is asked to read 5 pages of something they’ve written. You’d be surprised at how effective reading 5 pages of a first draft out loud to other writers is for finding how weak your writing is. I typically end up slightly embarrassed about simple mistakes that I . . .

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July 01, 2019

Can a 50 Hour Work-Week and a Weekend Hiking Adventure Co-Exist?

Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods” Inspired a Weekend Trip to Linville Gorge

I like reading the stories of amatuers trying achieve their dreams. Bill Bryson, a writer from New England, decided one day that he wanted hike the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. After a day hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire Bryson thought “Why not?” This was the beginning of what would become his best-selling book “A Walk in the . . .

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May 23, 2019

Two Reasons that Millennials Could Have Weaker Community Than Their Parents and Grandparents

The Presence of Screens is Becoming (and Has Been) All-Consuming

“I want that when I am 55 years old.”

That was my thought while sitting in a Barnes and Noble coffee shop in High Point, NC about 2 years ago while grading papers. I was watching a group of about 5 men in their 50’s and 60’s all sitting around drinking coffee and talking about the history of the Doors. I could hear them nerd-ing out . . .

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March 05, 2019


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